Grade 12 Applied – Unit A – Probability

You cannot possibly digest everything that is referenced in this page.  Select a few; investigate….; bookmark those that interest you!

A-1  Unit A – Probability and Permutations and Combinations Notes. Class notes for Probability and Permutations and Combinations.  This unit is a combination of Probability with Unit E Combinatorics

A-2 YouTube Play List for the Unit.  The entire unit in a couple dozen videos!  But remember, watching is not a good way to learn.  You still need to doodle, explore on your own and in class!

A-3 Worksheets and Selected possible assignments: (you can always work ahead someytimes even if not specifically assigned!)
Due Dates as per Blog(s)

  1. Probability Introduction  (Assgt A-;   )
  2. Experimental and Theoretical Probability  (Assgt A )
  3. Theoretical and Experimental Probability Puzzle (A–   )
  4. Probability Odds. (Assgt A )
  5. Counting Pathways  (Assgt A-, )
  6. Sample Space  (Assgt A  )
  7. Fundamental Counting Principle (FCP)  [  Assgt A-]
  8. Simple Permutations Practice []
  9. Counting and Permutations Puzzle  (Assgt A-  )
  10. Distinguishable Arrangements. (A-)  What happens if you have several identical objects in a set
  11. Permutations Fun   [Not Hand-in, try if you dare, see the movie: Permutations Fun!]
  12. Licence Plates Activity [   ]
  13. Simple Combinations Practice. []
  14. Simple Perms and Combs Practice.  []
  15. Combinations Puzzle    Combination Puzzle:  ]
  16. Dependent-Independent Worksheet  (]
  17. Dependent-Independent Puzzle  [Assgt A-;  ]
  18. Dependent Probability Worksheet.  [Assgt A-; ]
  19. Dependent or Independent Worksheet.  [    !  ]
  20. Adding Probabilities – Using ‘Or’.  [ ]  [Omit Question 2, too cumbersome]
  21. Adding Probabilities – Mutually Exclusive.  []
  22. Probability Practice Hidden Picture  [A-]
  23. Probability Review  [individual study]
  24. Some Common Sample Spaces.  For those unfamiliar with cards or dice!

A-4  Five Part Video Series Probability.  A great five part series in 15 minutes.

A-5 Workbooks. Some 20 to 30 page workbooks (many with answers) for Units A and E.

  1. Unit A – Probability Workbook. MINI_Version
  2. Unit E – Permutations & Combinations Workbook. MINI Version
  3. Want more?  Our Review Package50 Past Exam QuestionsIn Mini Form.
  4. 20 Pages of Solved Permutations and Combinations Problems
  5. The foremost (advanced) Probability and Combinatorics (and More) Reference.
  6. Pre-Calculus Probability Review – 24 pages of questions with answers from 20 years ago!
  7. Pre-Calculus Permutations and Combinations Practice Exam.  Former excellent Pre-Calculus website material, long since disappeared. (no answers)
  8. Pre-Calculus Probability Practice Exam.  Another excellent resource at Pre-Calculus Level from defunct but excellent website.

A-4  PLINKO!  Check out Pascal’s Triangle for combinations and pathways!!  Perfect animation game.

A-6  Probability Quiz.  Quiz yourself on-line.  Get your score.

A-7 Theoretical Probability.  Great notes on Theoretical Probability
A-8 Algebra Lab Lesson – Introduction to Probability.  A good website.
A-12 Probability – Certain and Impossible Events.  Math Goodies website.
A-13 The Complement of an Event.   The complement is just the NOT of something!
A-14 Permutations and Combinations – Math Forum.  Ask Doctor Math!  A good introduction to Permutations and Combinations
A-15  Factorial Notes. What is a factorial?
A-16 Permutations.  A good explanation of permutations.  Remember!  The order does matter in permutations.
A-17 Combinations.  A Good Explanation of Combinations.  In combinations the order does not matter.

A-20 Table of Perms and Combs. Often, seeing a table is way better than just using a calculator!  Much easier to see patterns. Besides, most of your teachers never had calculators in the mid 1970s, we only had tables at the back of a book!  Or else we had to calculate manually.

A-21 Permutations and Combinations Calculator. An awesome calculator for calculating Permutations and Combinations and showing all the resulting arrangements too!

A-22  Some on line games, Quizzes, Interactives:

  1. Basic Probability Quiz.
  2. Quiz- Perms and Combs.  Score yourself!  Fun for the whole family.
  3. Plinko.  Awesome demonstration of Pascal Triangle and Combinations
  4. Interactive – Coin Toss.  Toss a single coin as often as you want.  See if it is fair!
  5. Interactive – Experimental Probability.  What do you expect should happen according to theory, what happens when you do the experiment?  Are they close?
  6. Interactive – Experimental Probability.  Another way t0 experiment .
  7. Interactive – Marbles.  Throw some different or same marbles in a bag!  See the probability of pulling out certain combinations, permutations
  8. Interactive – Venn Diagram.  A method to show compound events.
  9. On Line Probability Test – Flipping Coins.

A-24 Compound Events Notes.  Great 4 pages of notes on Compound Events. For example the probability of two things happening like you win the lottery AND you get hit by a bus!

A-33 Video – Billy Nye – Probability.  Check out this great introduction to Probability from Bill Nye the Science Guy! In three parts: See me, I have a DVD!

A-40  Extra Worksheets:

Selection of worksheets Combined.

Glossary (Word of the Day]

(in Probability)
Decimals, Fractions,
Odds Experimental Probability Outcome
Percentage Probability Lottery
Random Simplify Fraction Sample Space
Tree Diagram Independent Event Conditional Event

Animated Gifs say it all: