02 Dec 2022 GRADE 11 ESSENTIALS MATH.  Word of the Day: Pythagorean Theorem

    • Normal COMPRESSED Friday, class starts at 10:30
    • !!  Marks to office for funders and sponsors next Friday.  Have overdue assignments in by Wed !!  Current Progress reports issued again
    • Overdue Assignments Penalty.  Going to start applying penalties to overdue assignments. 1 week, 20%, 2 weeks 40%
Today’s Lesson(s)
  • Weekly Thursday Quiz.  The Quiz_Week4 was issued Wednesday.  Due No Later Than Monday 13:00.  Last 40 minutes of class again today allotted for student collaborative work on the quiz again.
  • Trigonometry Angles and Angle Measure.  Evident that we needed to go way back to middle school! Particularly since only one student has even done the Grade 10 Math.  Lets finish this worksheet very quickly!
  • Weekly Thursday Quiz.  The Quiz_Week4 was issued Wednesday.  Due No Later Than Monday 13:00.  Last 40 minutes of class again today allotted for student collaborative work on the quiz.
Useful Resources