Grade 12 Applied – Unit C – Functions

C-1 Gr12 Applied Functions Notes. The Notes frames for the class.

C-2 Unit C Functions YouTube Playlist. Select Play All, investigate some ideas, but videos do not replace real learning.

C-4 Workbooks.  Loads of practice problems:

C-5 DESMOS Calculator and Graphing Resources.

C-6 Typical & Possible Assignments.  (not everything is assigned, you can certainly do the un-assigned one though, or ask for more!)


Exponential Assignment 1
Exponential Assignment 2
Logarithm Assignment


Plain old Pencil and Paper Graph Paper.  The way we did it in the ‘old days’.

Desmos Graphing Calculator. The very best graphing tool (after our ancient TI-83’s)! Available on-line in browser (no download) or as an App in Google Play or on Apple App Store to down load.

Geogebra Graphing App. Another wonderful graphing tool. Same as Desmos.  Some more (?) features. Available as an App on Google Play (Android), or in Apple App Store or on-line in your browser.  Has some wonderful geometry and probability functions too!

Several other graphing toolsShodor Graphit;   Math is Fun Function GrapherInteractive Quadratic Grapher;

Texas Instruments 83 Plus – Android App. A free download App for Android Devices. Exactly same as we use on the actual TI-83 Plus in class.  The TI-83 Plus.

TI-83 Links. My useful set of Links to selected TI-83 Graphing pages. Includes the full manual!

PhotoMath App. Take a picture of an equation with your device, the app solves the equation for you and shows the solution steps! omg.

Spreadsheets. Of course for simple scatter plots and graphs you can always use use EXCEL or Google Sheets!

Install a Virtual TI-83 Emulator on your computer! Emulates a TI-83 just like the real thing. See me if you want an emulator of the TI-83 for your Windows desktop or laptop

C-9 Interactive Grid Coordinates. Forget how to plot your x and y coordinates? Try this.

C-10 Interactive Explore Properties of a Line. See what slope and intercept do!

C-14  Parabola (Quadratic Function) Graphing: Explore the three different ways to write a quadratic equation on Desmos:

C-15 Graph Exponents – Purple Math.  Notes.

C-16 Movie-World Population Growth. The world population growth is exponential.  Hope somebody solves this problem soon before mother nature does!.  Same movie with Voice Over.

C-20 Movie: Best Fit – Regression – Exponential Data.  Very much the same as the Linear Regressions we did in Grade 10.

C-21 Practice Regressions Worksheet – If you need more practice and steps for how to do regressions on the TI-83 try these from Grade 11 Applied.

C-25 An Exponential Grapher . Watch how the Exponential Function behaves.  y=a*bx .This is how mould and money grows. Fun and Interactive.  Watch what happens when ‘b‘ gets less than 1; then you have exponential decay instead of growth!

C-26 Video review of the Unit:

Graphing a Quadratic Function. A nice video. ‘Plug’ in means ‘evaluate’.

Graphing Quadratic Functions -Video. From Texas A&M.

Graphing Quadratic Functions on a Graphing Tool.

Graphing the Cubic Function – Video. From Texas A&M.

Graphing the Exponential Function.

C-31 Solve Exponential Equations on TI-83.  Notes

C-32 Video – Spock Counts Tribbles. Exponential growth. I miss the original Star Trek. See how often these furry little things reproduce in this Star Trek episode!  Or this awesome Version of Tribbles Star Trek episode.

C-34 Logarithm and Exponential Graphs – Desmos

C-35 Logarithms on TI-83.  Notes.