Word of the Day: Independent Event

Today.  Need to consolidate , calibrate YOUR scattered learning activities from last week storm and extended Easter break.  I had anticipated that students would have maybe done some of their own learning in the six days we were away from the class!

Warm up/ Practice.  To be issued in class:  Warmup/Practice 22-04-20.  Here is a video solution the warmup/practice.

Assgt A-12 cancelled.  We had done most of Assgt A-12 in class yesterday as a follow up to the readings you had in the 6 days of no classes.  Not for hand-in now.  Here is what I was trying to achieve as a movie:  Assgt A-12 Independent and Dependent Events movie.  Watch it.

Workbook.  We will work today exclusively in the Probability, Permutations, and Combinations Workbook.  Perfect types of questions for tomorrow’s Weekly Thursday Quiz.  Here are the answers to the workbook issued in class today.  Hopefully you have done some of the workbook already!

For Tomorrow .

Regular Thursday Quiz.  A couple basic Quiz Questions from the Workbook (which you have been working on already(?).

Read ahead pp. 52 – 59 (again!)  Mutually Exclusive Events and using ‘OR’ to add probabilities.  That wraps up the Probability, Perms, and Combs unit(s) readings at least, more practice to follow.  Make sure you are familiar with the Glossary at the back of the notes.

Useful Resources.  (book mark a few of these)