26 Jan 2024 Grade 12 Applied.  Word of the DayHistogram,  or this:  Histogram (Statistics stuff we had to skip in Grade 11)

  • Compressed Friday every Friday.  Applied Math class is 10:30 to 12:00 Fridays
  • Survey. Please ensure you have completed the MSHSD Survey.
  • Yellowquill Account.  Let me know if you would rather I use your Yellowquill e-mail instead of your personal e-mail.
  • This Course is available on Line starting 5 Feb!  Multiple other places offer this (and other) course(s) on-line too.  On-line (Distance Learning)  is a real crappy way to learn though, avoid it unless absolutely necessary
Today’s Lesson
  • Warmup.  Let’s try an on-line Probability Quiz with a dodecahedron!!
  • Quiz Debrief. Here is the debrief to yesterday’s formative quiz.  If you missed it do not miss too many more.  There will be seven or eight more weekly Thursday quizzes.
  • Finish A-5 Pathways
    • Animated Gif on webpage:  Pascal Triangle.
      • Seriously disturbing patterns in that triangle!  Enough to fill a book!
    • Lesson Support Video(s):  Pathways
  • Read Ahead in Probability Notes pp.22-27:  Sample Spaces and FCP.
  • Probability Workbook [Issued Thursday].    A selection of Practice Questions from a former Distance Learning website. [Maybe save this for next week, issued it a bit too early]
  • Our Mr.F Probability Webpage.  Here is have all my links to paste into the daily blogs)
  • Probability Past Exam Qs.  I have hundred of probability Questions (with answers)  Will issue this soon, take a sneal peek
  • Grade 12 Applied InventoryAre you ready for Applied Math?  Check out a selection of the skills with which you should already be rather familiar to readily succeed:
  •  We will be using the DESMOS Graphing tool a lot soon.  Get comfortable with it now.   Also available for download in Google play and Apple Store.  I use it as my on-screen calculator.
  • Ensure you have a Decent Calculator.  Link:  Decent Calculator.  A proper $18 Scientific Calculator from WALMART (NOT Staples) is way more useful than your phone or a Dollarama calculator.
  • Grade 12 Applied Study Notes [‘Cheat Sheet’; Issued].  Students are expected to prepare their own eventually.
  • Our Shared Daily Lessons File.  Every Daily Lesson that is done on the electronic whiteboard!
  • Decent Calculator.  You likely noticed that you need a decent calculator!  The one on your phone or a Dollarama one is not sufficient.
  • Study Notes.  Below are Study Notes that were issued [ ‘ Cheat Sheets’] for the current course and for math back to Grade 8.  Very useful to study on the bus ride home, in a quiet place at home, having a bath, or just to research which skills you may need to tweak up, etc.
  • Student Policies and Procedures Manual.  Issued in September.
  • Student Services Brochure.  Issued in September.