30 JAN 2023 GRADE 12 APPLIED MATH.  Word of the Day:  Histogram [again]

Get my Weekly Review e-mail? Sunday evening.

Today’s Lessons
  • NEW: Probability Past Exam Qs.  I have hundred of probability Questions (with answers)  Will issue this soon, take a sneal peek
  • Grade 12 Applied InventoryAre you ready for Applied Math?  Check out a selection of the skills with which you should already be rather familiar to readily succeed:
  • NEW.  We will be using the DESMOS Graphing tool a lot soon.  Get comfortable with it now.   Also available for down load in Google play and Apple Store.
  • Ensure you have a Decent Calculator.  Link:  Decent Calculator.  A proper $16 Scientific Calculator from WALMART (NOT Staples) is way more useful than your phone or a Dollarama calculator.
  • Grade 12 Applied Study Notes [‘Cheat Sheet’; Issued].  Students are expected to prepare their own eventually.
  • Our Shared Daily Lessons File.  Every Daily Lesson that is done on the electronic whiteboard!
  • Reminder:  Remote Learning/COVID Protocol. In the event students are stuck at home for a Brief period they are still expected to do the daily lessons and studies and submit work.  See the related Remote and COVID Protocol and Student Policies and Procedures.