26 Jan 2023 Grade 12 Applied.  Word of the day: Outcome

  • Career Fair. Some students with laptops at home are registered for and particpating in the Virtual Career Fair?  If not they are expected to be in class.  Regardless all students have a quiz today
    • We will investigate some of the Career Fair together in the classroom as a collective participation.
    • Best just to watch the recorded versions.  They are still on till 3PM Friday!  Less vulgarness and more useful than the on-line ones.
  • Weekly Quiz DayEvery Thursday is a quiz.  Today’s is on-line or in the classroom.  Here is the on-line quiz: [Gr12 Applied Week 1 Quiz-Posted @ 12:35Submit it No Later than 15:30 (should only take 30 mins) at which time submissions will be shut down. Update:  Disabled at 16:15 ]
  • Reminder!  Fridays are compressed.  Half a Math Class starts at 10:30.  PM is off for students (unless they want to hang about a bit and do some work, tutoring
Today’s Lesson(s)
  • Warmup/PreQuiz
  • Regular Weekly Thursday Quiz in Class for those in the class (max 45 mins)
  • Mainly Review of Grade 11 Stuff and the Grade 11 Final Exam.
  • Catch up Assignments A-1, A-3, A-4
  • Introduction to Pathways and Counting Outcomes / Read ahead.  Read Notes pp. 15 -20