Grade 12 Applied – Introduction and Support Materiel

Intro-1  Reference Notes (Cheat Sheet) (‘Study Notes’).  ‘Stuff’ you will want to know on two pages (one sheet)!!!  Read them on the bus, read them in the bath, discuss the ideas with classmates.  You are actually allowed two pages of Study Notes for the Final Exam, use these if you want, but you had best make certain you have been studying them throughout the course!!  You don’t want to complicate your exam by trying to figure out ‘your notes’ for the first time!!! You will need to at least copy this out several times if you have not done your own.

Intro-2  Grade 12 Applied Curriculum.  The current Manitoba curriculum. I model my units closely to this of course.  Note- Western Provinces Math. All the Western provinces follow the same general mathematics lessons. Just be careful though, in all the other provinces Grade 12 is called Math 30S since it is the third year of High School; but in Manitoba it is called 40S since we start High School in Grade 9; Grade 12 being the fourth year of High School!

Intro-3  Gr12App_CourseOutline_240122.  Here is the course outline , policies, assessment plan, etc.

Intro-4.  Grade 12 Applied Inventory.  Do an inventory of your skills, skills from previous studies that we will use frequently in Grade 12 Applied.  Video Solution to Grade 12 Applied Course Inventory to see how well we are prepared for Grade 12 Applied.

Intro-4 Course Overview Movie. A twenty minute movie on what we will learn (16 minutes if you speed it up!)

NEWGrade 12 Applied Math Glossary.

Intro 5 Applied Vs Essential (and Pre-Calculus) Math Streams.  There is a considerable difference between the three Math Streams.  Here are a couple movies I had done to illustrate the difference.

Intro-6 Show Your Work. The Provincial Exam (if we write it) gets very fussy about answering questions. Make sure you show your work for both your own benefit and those marking the exam. Be neat, be complete, answer the question, …don’t make it difficult for teacher to find the answer!  Check out my rant about in a movie called ‘Show Your Work‘.  Here are the movie slides as a simple Print:  Show Your Work Slides.

Intro 6.  Exam Considerations and Hints. There are considerable strategic things to consider when preparing for the Provincial Exam, or any Math Exam.

Intro-7 Distance Learning – Merlin Black Board.  The former Merlin Blackboard that had Independent Study Material has been discontinued.   Learning on-line is absolutely just as challenging or even harder than attending classes.  This Grade 12 Applied and other High School Courses are available on line for $300 per course.  There are a variety of locations that will readily provide this and other high school courses.

Intro-8 Former Archived Manitoba Provincial Exams.  This is a do not miss site!!! Check out several years of previous Grade 12 (Senior 4) Mathematics Exams in the province of Manitoba.  If you need them, I have tons of old exams from other provinces too! Also check out the General Comments section; a yearly summary of the most common shortfalls, errors on past exams.

Intro-9  Entire Course in 40 Videos.  Here is pretty much the entire course as I delivered it 8 years ago!

Intro – 10  What are the different Math Streams?  In Manitoba we have three different ‘streams’.  The Essential Math (formerly Consumer), the Applied Math, and the Pre-Calculus Math.  Here is a movie I did on the comparing the different streams:  Math Streams Comparison.

Intro – 11 Exam Practice Practice Questions:

Intro-12 Useful Android Apps. You will find that I have loaded lots of useful Apps on our classroom tablets. Maybe you want them on your device too to do homework?  Here are just a few of the Apps I have loaded:

  1. Desmos Scientific Calculator.  A wonderful free calculator.  Nothing to download, works in any browser!
  2. DESMOS Graphing Tool. A modern and perfect App to graph functions: Desmos Graphing Tool App on Play Store. Or in Apple Store.  Solve equations, do regressions … Or  better yet just run it on your browser without any download: Graphing Tool (on-line)!
  3. Unit Converter App.  On Google Play Store. Dozens similar to this. Use this to do your conversions: eg 6 feet = how many cm! EASY. Too Easy!  Mind you google search engine does it rather easily too.
  4. Financial Calculator.  This does same as the TVM Finance App on the TI-83.

Calculator Practice.  How are you with a calculator?  Lots of operations, lots of buttons!

Intro-10  Regents Exam Preparation Centre. This is a nice site, Basically Grade 11 and 12 Stuff pretty much as we teach in Manitoba. Lots of resources and practice exams.

Intro-11 Helpful Tools.  A selection of helpful tools for your device.

  1. Desmos Graphing Tool. The very best graphing tool! The ‘go to’ graphing tool.  Available as an App, or just on-line in your browser!
  2. Function Grapher.  Plot equations or data points!  Your choice.  Great interactive graphing tool.
  3. Desmos Scientific Calculator.  An excellent Scientific Calculator.  Nothing to download, works in your browser.
  4. Function Grapher. Yet another function grapher
  5. Texas Instruments 83 – Android App. A free download App for Android Devices. Exactly same as we use on the actual TI-83 Plus in class.
  6. Install a Virtual TI-83 Emulator on your computer! Emulates a TI-83 just like the real thing. See me if you want an emulator of the TI-83 for your Windows desktop or laptop
  7. PhotoMath App. Take a picture of an equation with your device, the app solves the equation for you.  This is crazy!  Also available for IOS (Apple).

Into-12 TI – 83 Links. My useful webpage of Links to selected TI-83 Graphing pages. Includes the full manual!

Intro-12  Glossaries / Dictionaries.  Bookmark your fav!

  1. Math is Fun Dictionary. The best Dictionary so far for us.
  2. A Printable Glossary. Here is a useful 27 page glossary suitable for Printing.
  3. Shodor Interactive Glossary. A great Interactive Glossary / Dictionary.
  4. Learn Alberta Glossary. Select any Grade Level.

Intro-13  Math Interactives. Some truly great sites with interactive activities to explain concepts. You must see all of these! especially if you are a visual learner!

  1. Alberta Education Math Interactives.
  2. PhET Interactive Simulations. More wonderful browser Apps to interactively explain Math and Science Ideas. (I have selected only the HTML5 links)
  3. Shodor Interactives. Even more more ways to explore with some interactive devices.

Intro-15 KutaSoftware. Wonderful source for practice worksheets with answers!  SO for example Grade 12 students would likely be interested in the Dozens of Free Algebra Worksheets.

Intro-16  Graph Paper and Grids.  Some free graph paper and useful grids for you to print and use.

    1. Graph Paper and Grids.
    2. Some more Great Graph Paper to print:  Form2A-BW;   Form1A-BW;    Form3A-BW.pdf
    3. My Graph Paper(s). I did up some graph paper too.
    4. Graph Paper Generator. A must see, especially for teachers. Create any type of Graph Paper, Number line, Geometric Solid, … then export it.

Intro- 17 Purple Math Index – Table of Contents. A great one-stop source for Grade 9 to 12 Mathematics. BEGINNING Tends to be Grade 9 – 10, INTERMEDIATE tends to be Grade 10 – 11, ADVANCED tends to be Grade 12 for Manitoba curriculum and subject to what stream you are taking (Applied vs Pre-Calculus)

Intro-18  Mathematician Biographies.  A great site!  Learn about the history of a mathematician or of a mathematics subject!  Sometimes understanding the lifetimes spent to develop ideas makes math much more exciting.

Intro-22 Calculator Practice # 3.  You are always allowed a calculator in Applied Math! (Not Pre-Calculus Math though!). If you think that will save your bacon you had best try this exercise. You probably do not know how to properly use a calculator! Check the Grade 10 Applied Intro section for more practices like this.

The Math Page. A great resource for all grades of Math! See especially the Pre-Calculus Page.

Algebra Refresher. A perfect 50 page refresher on Algebra from Grade 8 to Grade 11. You must have this and keep it forever. Of course there are other studies in Mathematics like geometry, trigonometry, probability, statistics, etc.

Intro- 24 My MrF Entire  Grade 12 Applied on YouTube. Most of my course on YouTube as a playlist. 36 days, 40 videos.! 50 hours of me! Of course I may elect to deliver the current course in a different order of units and with slightly different content.

Intro-25 Exams Review Video(s). I took a couple past exams (selected questions/units) and did them as Videos. Of course watching me do the questions is not the same as you doing them!

Intro -26 Contact Me