22 NOV GRADE 11 ESSENTIAL.  Word of the Day:  Net. (Play with the animations in there, cool)

Today’s Lesson(s)
  • Warmup
  • Quiz Re-Do.  Quizzes seldom get re-dos!  Missing it is missing it!  There are 19 students who missed the first three oppotunities to write the quiz. This ONE Time I have prepared a ‘re-do’ quiz though for max 70%.  It will be at 14:40.  If you are stuck at home e-mail me around 13:00 and I can provide the quiz for your timely return by scan.
  • Here was yesteday’s Polyhedra Project!
  • Lesson:  Surface Area.  Unit C Notes pp. 11-14
  • Read ahead about Surface Area of Cylinders
  • Geometry Workbook.  Notice the substantial workbook with answers that I issued.  Grade 10 and 11 Geometry all in one package for you!
Useful Resources