Word of the Day:  Asymptote


  • Mid-Term Test.  The Mid-Term Test went well for most!  Mean mark was 78%.  Solution print-out will be issued.  Here is the substantial Mid-Term Movie Solution (38 mins!)  Watch it on your own time!  Nothing we have not done multiple times before.
  • Cheat Sheet.  Students are expected in Applied Math to have study notes (‘cheat sheet’).  They are allowed on all quizzes, test, exams.  The Study Notes (cheat sheet) is submitted with Final Exam (Wed 8 Jun) and is worth 5% of the course mark.  Here is the Marking Rubric for the study notes.
  • Grad Baby Pic!  If you have a baby photo or a photo as a youth, send it to me.  It will be used in a graduation  presentation.  It is cute to have your baby pic flash up on a presentation screen while family is waiting for the graduation ceremony to commence.