24 Jan Grade 11 Essential

24 Jan Grade 11 Essential.  Welcome.  Good Morning, let’s get busy!  [click on hyperlinks]

Ensure you had received my Welcome E-Mail from Sunday.  Shoot me an e-mail to reply that you got it please. It was identical to your Welcome Blog Post dated yesterday, Welcome Blog Post..  Let me know if you did not receive an-e-mail!  Ensure you read either or both of those.

Today Activities: ( I have ~2 hours and 20 minutes of work for you today!!)

  • Participate in the Live  YouTube Broadcast to which you will be invited at 09:00 (< 40 mins).
    • [YouTube Works for everyone!  Only those with a g-mail or Chrome browser or YouTube Account will be able to participate in the live Text (only) Chat Window]
  • Read the Welcome e-mail and /or the Welcome Blog!  (20 mins)
  • You Read Course Outline (10 Mins)
  • You watch the Course Overview Movie (30 mins), what you are going to learn in Grade 11.!
  • You inspect the Grade 11 Inventory; ( 15 Mins) see what skills you need to ‘refresh‘ to readily succeed in Grade 11.  If you prefer, here is a movie solution to the Grade 11 Inventory:  Movie Solution to Grade 11 Inventory.(25 Mins). You are also provided the Grade 10 Study Notes ( Cheat Sheet), a handy single page reference while on the bus or the crapper, the entire Grade 10 Course on one Sheet of paper.
  • You Check out our first Unit of Study!

There that should get you well started on the Grade 11 Course.  You have 2 hours of stuff to do (mostly movies!)

Same routine tomorrow basically.  Read Blog, Join YouTube live broadcast, do work…., pop by the school weekly ,…..  Fun!

Announcements , Administration