Today we start Unit G Trigonometry.  Considerable overlap from Grade 10! Study the first 4 pages of the the Unit G – Trigonometry Notes (omit the Triangle Congruence section)

I uploaded the daily Lesson to our shared whiteboard Daily Lesson files and also animated it as a movie in our Lesson Support Videos.

You will have assignment G-1 – Angle Measures  due 8 Jan  (Complete, Scan and Send)!  Darn!! just brought to my attention that you likely do not have a printed version of the G-1 and the G-2.  Oh well I will have to do them for you live (or we can do them together live)

But in my day the teacher wrote stuff on the board, we copied it onto a piece of paper and we did it like that.  We didn’t have photocopiers and printers and stuff!  So you can still do the same; just follow me as we along, you can draw your own sketch of the assignment.  I will trust this time that you are following along, although it would be entirely practicable regardless for you to copy the question to a piece of paper, do it, scan it and send it!