17 Oct Grade 12 Essential

17 Oct 2023 Grade 12 Essential.  Word of the day: Probability.

  • This week is a three day week.  No classes Thursday or Friday [Teacher PD].  Blog will still be active.  Watch daily blog(s) even those days for suggested study activities.  Students can still do some work at home!
  • Final Exam Thurs 2 Nov (at 09:00). Only 9 more classes!  Still need to do AT LEAST two more units.  Read the Final Exam Policy: Final Exam Policy.
  • UPDATE:  No quiz this week since no Thursday!

Today’s Lesson(s)

Selected Useful Resources

  • NEW: Final Exam Policy.  Final Exam is Thurs 2 Nov at 09:00.  Read Final Exam Policy:  FINAL EXAM POLICY
  • Quiz Debriefs Playlist.  All quiz debriefs in one playlist.  Pretty much the entire course to date in one click.  A movie is not a good way to learn however unless you pause and do.
  • Daily Lessons Shared Folder.  Every Lesson we have taught on the interactive whiteboard to date!
  • Study Notes (Cheat Sheet) Instructions.  Students may have started a first draft of their cheat sheet.  Check the link for method and marking rubric.  Grid paper issued to make neat sheet
  • Math is Fun Website.  A great interactive picture dictionary, fun for the whole family.  Lots of other activities, puzzles, games,
  • Blog Searchable.  Notice that the blog is searchable!  Go to very bottom of the page.