25 May Grade 12 Essentials

25 May 2023 Grade 12 Essentials.  Word of the Day:  Odds

  • Jocelynn Starr Award Essays due by 31 May.  No late entries!
  • Final Exam Wed 7 Jun.  Last of Assgts in by Fri 2 Jun.  (Penalty if late >2 weeks).
  • Issuing progress reports again today.  Do not throw it under hte bus now!!
Today’s Lessons
  • Quiz – Regular Weekly Thursday QuizDo not missPossible to get 150%.  Should help those that may need a ~5 – 6% boost in their mark!
  • Practice Questions for Probability (not Handin)
  • Lesson:  Probability and Odds.  Unit I Probability Notes pp.  4 -10  (still)
  • Issue Unit I  Workbook – Past Exam Questions (with Answers)
  • Read ahead pp. 11 -13 Expected Value.  Read also the Glossary at back of Notes.
  • Animations and Manipulatives (help you see concepts better!)
    • Coin Toss.  Can you flip 10 coins and they all come up heads??  Sure you can, but you would have to try ~1,024 times (on average) though to get one event of all heads.  It could  happen the first try too!
    • Spinner.  Run the spinner, change the colours.  Shouldn’t each equal sized sector be equally likely if a fair spinner?
    • Plinko.  A must see!  Just like The Price is Right.  If bouncing left and bouncing right are equally likely, shouldn’t the ball favour falling in the middle area?  See what happens after a thousand trials of ball drops.
    • Mathopolis Quiz Questions.  Try these simple quiz Questions.  Should me a screen shot if you get them eight or more correct.

Useful Resources.