02 May Grade 12 Essential

02 May 2023 Grade 12 Essential.  Word of the Day: SOH CAH TOA

  • Valedictorian.  Nominations in by 10 May.  Speeches May 18.  DETAILS.  Looks really good on a resume if you have been a Class Valedictorian
  • Moon Ceremony (Ladies).  Fri 5 May.  See Meghan by Wed.
  • Mid-Term Test.  Quadruple weight factor.  Thursday.  Do not miss unless alternate arrangements already made with Natallie
  • Mid-Term Marks to Records on Friday.  Assignmnets in today if want those marks to go to Sponsors/Funders.
Today’s Lesson(s)
  • Warmup / Quiz Prep
  • Solving Right Angle Triangles.  (Grades 10 and 11 Quick Review)
  • Read Ahead  Solving Traingles that are not right triangles.  Notes pp.
Useful Resources.