22 May Grade 12 Essentials

22 May 2024 Grade 12 Essentials.  Word of the day: Law of Sines.  Try the quiz questions at the bottom.


  • WARNING!  No Class this Friday Again!  TV Crew filming!  Further,… the Thursday classes will be compressed into the AM.  So the AM class til 10:15, the PM class 10:30 to 12:00.
  • Quiz.  The Regular Weekly Quiz will be a take-home issued Thursday AM and due Monday 10:00.  Late Penalty applies.  OMG, Another quiz with 4 days to do 60 minutes of work and get extra marks!  What could possibly go wrong?
  • Regular Weekly Issue of Progress report today
  • Valedictorian Selection!  As discussed, looks really good on a resume if you were the class valedictorian!

Today’s Lesson(s)

Useful Resources:  See ample resources in previous blogs