16 May Grade 12 Essential

16 May 2024 Grade 12 Essential.  Word of the day. SOH CAH TOA (Trigonometric Ratios)


  • Today’s Quiz.  One Alternate date: tomorrow.
  • No Classes Monday 20 May – Victoria Day.
  • Only ~10 more days of classes, then a couple review then Final Exam 6 5 June.  Get assignments in, more than a week late are subject to 50% penalty. 
  • Final Exam = Wednesday 5 June.   Exam Details: Final Exam PolicyGrad is 20 June.
  • Get those Study Notes (Cheat Sheets) going, on next revision by now?  Grid paper available. Up to an extra 5% on final course mark!  Preparation and Marking Rubric
  • Progress reports were issued yesterday.  ANOTHER long weekend coming.  Good chance to catch up on latest assignments.and another revision to cheat sheet.
  • Celebration and Hot Dog roast at 11:30 tomorrow at the Annex to celebrate Moose Hide Day
