10 May Grade 12 Essentials

10 May 2024 Grade 12 Essentials.  Word of the Day:  Corresponding Angles


  • NO CLASSES FOR MSHSD MONDAY – Film crew doing a TV program Monday- ACTING GOOD
  • Only 11.5 more days of classes, then a couple review Then Final Exam 5 June.
  • Final Exam Wed, 5 JuneFinal Exam PolicyGRAD is 20 JUN.
  • Get those Study Notes (Cheat Sheets) going on next revision by now?.  Grid paper available. Up to an extra 5% on final course mark!  Preparation and Marking Rubric


Useful Resources.

  • Teacher after 15:30, or Friday PMs
  • Grade 10 Trigonometry Review.  If none of this looks readily familiar then considerable extra effort is required.
  • Basic Grade 9 and 10 Trigonometry ReviewExam Solutions Trigonometry.  Check it out, Review!  This will be the third time we have done this stuff, it should look very, very familiar.
  • Study Notes Preparation.  Students are expected to have their own for the Final Exam.  Start to adapt the teacher Study Notes (Cheat Sheet).  Grid paper is available to make it neater.
  • Daily Lessons Shared Folder. Every Daily Lesson we have done on the Interactive Whiteboard.  Also printed out at front of the class.
  • Quiz Solutions Video Debriefs Playlist.  Every Quiz and Test Solution in a Movie Playlist, pretty much the entire course to date.
  • DESMOS Geometry.  Go crazy demonstrating the geometric rules to yourself!
  • Math is Fun Trigonometry.  You can pretty much learn absolutely any math on this website!