04 March 2024 Grade 11 Essential

04 March 2024 Grade 11 Essential.  Word of the day: Solve a Side


  • Only two weeks and a bit til end of course.  Final Exam is Wed 20 March. Read: Exam Policy.
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Have students been using the timing marks in the YouTube Debriefs?  Here are a few of the first few:

  • Grade 11 Essential Test Debrief Week 6 24-02-29
  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 01:18 How is your Cheat Sheet Looking?
  • 01:49 Geomerty Formulae (did I ever tell you we had to memorize them!) 02:15 Start Multiple Choice. There are some secrets !
  • 02:16 Area of triangles. 20 seconds!
  • 03:35 Square root, unsquare
  • 04:50 Percent of a number. Estimating is really useful. Takes 10 seconds to do this!
  • 06:29 Rule of 72
  • 08:39 Compound Investment Formula. Multiple Choice, eliminate the silly answers first
  • 09:56 Volume of a cube. Draw it! Takes 5 seconds to sketch it out! Eliminate the choices that make no sense! Can you picture the cube sitting in front of you??
  • etc , lots more timing marks in the YouTube videos prapred for you!