29 Sep Grade 12 Essential

29 Sep 2023 Grade 12 Essential. Word of the day: Corresponding Angles (Explore lots of this link!)


  • Last Chance for yesterday quiz.  Quiz Every Thursday!
    • Watch here for quiz debrief solutions [Pending]
    • Mean mark for class was 76%.  Median was 71%.  However, stats are not overly useful when based on a small sample size of only 5 samples.
  • No Classes Monday 2 Oct.  The Day of Remebrance in lieu.  How to Honour Orange Shirt Day
  • Marks to Office , Sponsors, Funders on Friday 6th.  Overdue assgts in by Wed 4th.  Student Progress Reports have been issued.
  • Student Cheat Sheet.  Long weekend!  Good chance to start on Own Cheat Sheet (Study Notes).  Adapt My Cheat Sheet. Grid paper has been issued. Study Notes Preparation and Rubric

Today’s Lesson

Selected Useful Resources
  • Daily Lessons Shared Folder.  Every Lesson we have done on the Interactive Whiteboard.  Also printed out at fron to fhe class.
  • Quiz Debrief Videos Playlist.  A single Playlist for Weekly Quiz Debriefs. A single Playlist for Weekly Quiz Debriefs.  Pretty much the entire course once we do all the weekly quizzes.  Pause them, do them, rewind them. Mute sound and figure out what is being done.  Watching someone else do it is not learning!
  • Math Antics.  Great video review of Middle School stuff for you and family.
  •  DESMOS Graphing Tool.  Graph situations, solve equations.  Wonderful.  Bookmark this one for sure.
  • Study Notes (‘Cheat Sheet’) Preparation.  Students are expected to prepare their own ‘Cheat Sheet’ by end of course.  5% of course mark. [ Study Notes Preparation and Rubric.]
  • !!!  Grade 12 Math Archived Exam Questions. ~10 years of past provincial exams, with full solutions and exemplars (of what NOT to do).  Do not miss this: Archived Grade 12 Exams.