06 Apr Grade 12 Essential

06 Apr 2023 Grade 12 Essential.  Word of the Day: Cylinder

Announcements:  (QUIZ today!  Quiz Every Thursday)

  • No Classes Friday (tomorrow) or Monday.  Easter Holidays.
  • Take home a COVID Test Kit, I have a zillion, ask.
  • Spring Feast at Lunch
  • Harvest Available on Mondays and Wednesdays, 15:00 to 16:00, thru Meghan, Edna
Today’s Activity(s)
  • Storm not so bad?!  So  everyone should be in class today.  Deleting yesterday’s YouTube Broadcast.
  • Warmup.  Workbook:  Pg 2 Q2 & Q 4; Pg 4 Q12
  • Adjust Cheat Sheet?  I noticed my cheat may have an omission / error?  Did you notice?
  • Quiz every Thursday. The quiz will be issued in class, and also made available here:  Week 1 Quiz, for a short duration.  If doing the quiz on-line, have it in by 11:00 at the latest.
  • Assgt B-4 TDSR (Total Debt to Service Ratio).  Can you afford car payments?
    • OK, cancelled, need to do a Pipe Ceremony before the Feast now???
    • Skip Assgt B-3 Leasing a Vehicle for now
  • Unit A Problem Solving.  Assgts A-1, A-2, and A-3 were assigned for next week to accomodate snow storms
  • Read Ahead in Unit  B Notes pp. 15 – 20, Cost of Operating a Vehicle and Vehicle Depreciation
  • Issue Unit B Workbook.  24 Pages of Practice problems with answers. (from Past Provincial Exams), We will sample a few, but students may want to try several others in the workbook to sodify their knowledge.
  • See You Tuesday!

Useful Resources: