16 MAR 2023 GRADE 12 APPLIED. Word of the Day:  Variance and Standard Deviation

  • QUIZ.  By Popular demand there will be a OPTIONAL quiz today, might get you an extra 2 or 3 percent, OPTIONAL, will not make your mark worse either! One Finance, 2 Function, 1 Prob (marbles), + Word Problem. Bonus(es):Probably a Mean Median stats type thing & pathways of course!
  • ** Final Exam Thurs 23 Mar.    College Exam Policy.  30% of the course mark.  Practice Exam Questions issued yesterday.
    • Have YOUR cheat prepared to submit with exam. Guideline for Cheat Sheet: Cheat Sheet Preparation and Marking Rubric
    • Last of assignments in by Friday 17 March.  Overdue by more than 2 weeks get max 50%.  Due dates are in blog(s).

Today’s Lesson(s)

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