06 Mar Grade 11 Essential

06 Mar 2023 Grade 11 Essential.  Word of the Day:  Opposite (Vertical) Angles

Today’s Lesson(s)
  • Quiz Debriefs. I have assembled the Quiz Debrief Movies into one playlist:  Quiz Debriefs Playlist.   Pretty much the entire course in one Playlist of Videos.
  • Times Tables.  Nail down the times tables very soon!  Math is so much more enjoyable if you can do some of it without continually reaching for a calculator.  Quizzes will take half the time!  Tons of Times Tables Activities here:  Times Tables Resources.
  • Website Search Feature.  Notice the website and blogs are searchable at the bottom of each page.
  • My Grade 11 Reference Notes (Cheat Sheet).  You are expected to make your own, slowly compile it for Final Exam.  These should out in front of you every class!  Tweak them up a bit as we do lessons and then transcribe them to your own Cheat Sheet.  Grades 9 and 10 Cheat Sheets were also issued.
  • Daily Lessons in Shared Folder.  Every lesson we have ever done on the interactive whiteboard board.  Also printed at front of class.
  • Decent Calculator.  You likely noticed that you need a decent calculator!  The one on your phone or a Dollarama one is not sufficient.  Check out the Link:  Decent Calculator