07 Nov Grade 11 Essentials Math

Welcome to Grade 11 Essentials Mathematics

Vaccination Clinic Wed 9 Nov

My name is Rick; here is me teaching my very first Math Class many years ago [NOT]!

Here is our Grade 11 Course Outline; how we will run the course.

Here is a Course Overview Movie: What we will learn. (35 mins at regular speed!)

Here is our Grade 11 Essentials Webpage.  Check the blog daily!

Our first Unit of Study is Unit B: Interest and Credit, savings and investments and loans work.

Calculator.  Hunt around for a decent calculator!  A $3 one from Dollarama is not sufficient.  Lots available to download to you phone. But a $12 – $15 hand-held Scientific Calculator from Walmart is ideal.   Here is a Movie about a decent Scientific Calculator.  Movie: Decent Calculator.