22 SEP GRADE 10 ESSENTIALS MATH.  Word of the Day:  Imperial Units of Measure, [only American still use it!)

Today’s Lesson(s)
  • Quiz.  The Regular Thursday Quiz. If you are stuck at home with a sick child let me know (by ≤~13:00), I can beam you a link or we can defer this quiz to in-class Friday.
  • WarmupSolve Proportions.  We will be using proportions in other units too!
  • Metric Workbook.  An extra workbook if you need practice in the ‘SI’ Metric System. Not hand-in, no answer key yet, but I can readily correct it with you.
  • Notes pp. 20-25; the British Imperial System (aka: American ‘Customary’ System) of pounds, ounces, feet, inches and measures we got rid of in 1973!
  • Read ahead Converting between the two different systems Unit C Notes pp. 26 – 30.
    • Lesson Support Videos: Converting Between Systems.  If stuck at home or reviewing, these teachers say the same thing as me!  Bearing in mind watching someone do it for you is not learning!
  • Quiz Every Thursday
  • Compressed Fridays.  All Fridays are compressed into the morning, afternoon is off for students.  Good time to book personal administration.
  • Remote Learning Protocol. Reminder; in the event the entire course or an individual student or a teacher has to isolate then the MSHSD Remote Learning Protocol will apply.