Study Notes Preparation and Rubric

Study Notes Preparation and Rubric  (CHEAT SHEETS)

Study Notes (Cheat Sheets) are a very important way to focus your thoughts for what you have learned on a course.  In most math classes the teacher EXPECTS you to have a single (double sided) 8.5 X 11 inch cheat sheet for daily reference and for use in quizzes, tests and final exam.

*Preparing a cheat sheet for ANY course is a rather useful learning device!  Just do not bring it into your English quiz or exam, but still a useful study aid regardless*.

Your Math cheat sheet should be continually revised (updated) perhaps every second weekend to more clearly consolidate your thoughts.

It is not necessary to type it out!  In fact, hand written is probably better particularly since there should be lots of diagrams!  Using grid paper is especially useful if you are a sloppy writer.

Keep it with you: on the bus ride into class, just before bedtime, …when you go poop!

I will generally require that as part of your course mark (5% of the course mark) that you submit your cheat sheet with your Final Exam.

There have been some mighty wonderful cheat sheets submitted but more often sheets that are useless and had marginal evidence of any effort at consolidating lessons and thoughts.

It would be completely acceptable if a student were to mostly copy out the teacher’s Cheat Sheet and modify it with personal examples or revised examples and explanations

MARKING RUBRIC.  For purposes of Marking a Cheat Sheet the following criteria will be used:

Item Weight Factor

of item

Covers each unit studied 20%
Lists formulae used for each unit, some with example usage

[not necessary to write out Unit Conversions, or Geometric Shapes formulae such as cones, prisms.  Do not copy out Loan Tables, etc)

Uses diagrams where appropriate, graphic organizers, etc.   Pictures are worth a 1,000 words. 20%
Is accurate and correct 20%
Is neat and readable 20%

Here are a couple example cheat sheets that I and students have prepared:

Here is video about Cheat Sheets