Grade 12 Applied – Unit F – Sinusoidal Functions

See Legacy Files

Unit Notes – Sinusoidal Functions. Our class Notes; notes to fill in and problems to complete

Unit F: YouTube Play list. The entire unit in a few videos!

Sinusoidal Workbook.  An ample selection of practice problems with answers


Selected Possible Assignments

Typical Periodic Problem.  Guess who Miss C is!  Solution to The water Dunk

Radians conversion worksheet.

F-4 Radians and Pi Radians.   Great animation!  What is a radian???
F-5 Graphing the Sin(x) Function.  Check out this great animation.  We actually can measure angles all the way around the circle and even several cycles around the circle!
F-5A Basic Sine and Cosine Graphing! See how we generate Sine and Cosine.
F-6 The Sin Function.  Check out this animated function machine.  Put in any angle, see what comes out!
F-7 Trigonometry Grapher. Simple!
F-7A Interactive Unit Circle. Readily explains the sine as a circuklar function. Disregard the cosineand tangent for now.
F-7B Trig Function Grapher. Graph any Trigonometric Function in the form f(x) = A sin (Bx +C) + D. Or use any graphing tool in the Intro section this page
F-8 Sine Calculator Template.  Calculate your own Sine values graphically using this simple template.
F-9 Frequency and Amplitude. Change the A and the B in the equation y = Asin(Bx)
F-10 Modelling a Bungee Jump. Check out this animation of a bungee jump! Notice that in Applied Math we use the formula
height = A*Sin(Bx+C)+D but in pre-calculus we use the formula A*Sin(B(x+C))+D .
F-17 Another good Movie on Periodic Events.  Uses shock wave or start is here.
F-18 Unit Circle Chart. A handy unit circle chart to see radian and degree measurements.
F-19 Sinusoidal Regression on the TI-83.  How to find the sine function in standard form to match some given data.
F-20 Sinusoidal Regression Practice.  Try some of these seasonal type regression practice exercises.
F-23 Pendulum App. A good app for swinging a pendulum and timing it!
F-24 Sinusoidal Graph Paper.  Use this graph paper to plot your sinusoidal functions in degrees, decimal radians, or pi radians.
F-26 Typical Periodic Problem.  Guess who Miss C is!  Solution to The water Dunk.
F-27 Bay of Fundy Tides.  Check out this animated graphic on the tides coming in and out in Nova Scotia where I grew up.