Grade 11 Essential Math Unit A Games and Numbers

A-1    Unit Workbook.  A Workbook issued in class.  Lots of ways to attack a problem.

A-2  Unit A – YouTube Play List – A selection of supporting videos. Select ‘Play All’, sit back, interact.

A-3  Problem Solving Methods. Not everything is solved by some secret formula and smashing some numbers into a calculator, more often you actually have to sit and doodle, and think, and guess and check , or list the possibilities, or use logic, or use simpler examples, etc.

A-4   Solving Problems by Guess and Check ; a selection of suitable reference links:

A-5  Solving Problems by Making a List ; a selection of suitable reference links:

A-6  Solving Problems by Making a Diagram; a selection of suitable reference links:

A-10  Possible Assignments: (as assigned in blogs). Due dates as per blog!

A-13  Fun Math Puzzles – ‘MathisFun’.  A zillion Math puzzles of all types!  Fun for the whole family