Grade 10 Essential Unit G – Transformations

G-1  Unit G Transformation Notes.  Your notes frame for you to complete in class.

G-2  YouTube Play List – Unit G Transformations. – A selection of supporting videos. Select ‘Play All’, sit back, interact

G-3 Selected Possible Assignments and Worksheets

Translations and Reflections (Assignment G-1,Due: in class )
Reflections and Rotations. (Assignment G-2, Due: )
Transformations Workbook. A bunch of extra practice questions. In class

Worksheets (w/answers)

Worksheet – Translations.    Worksheet – Reflections.
Worksheet – Rotations.        Worksheet – All Transformations.

G-4 Transformations – Interactive Activities. Some fun interactive activities from Alberta.

G-5  NEW.  You gotta see this DESMOS Geometry tool!.  Note the transform tab.

G-6 Study Guides.  Some good study guides for extra reference

Study Guide Graphing Ordered Pairs.
Study Guide – Lines of Symmetry (Grade 9)
Study Guide – Translating and Reflection Transformations.
Study Guide – Translations.
Study Guide – Reflections.
Study Guide – Graphing Transformations.
Study Guide – Rotations.
Study Guide – Transformations on Coordinate Plane.

G-7  Math is Fun Transformations.  Awesome resource to explain the entire unit!

Interactives.  Always fun to manipulate stuff!  Some may not work depending on your device!

Khan Academy Transformations.  The Khan Academy resources for transformations!  Fun
Rescue Mission – Name the Coordinate Game!
Learn Alberta Manipulatives: Transformations