09 Nov 2022 GRADE 11 ESSENTIAL

09 NOV 2022  GRADE 11 ESSENTIAL. Word of the Day: Compound Interest


Should you be here?  There is a concern for all the students that seemed to have by-passed the Grade 10 pre-requisite for the Grade 11.  Check out this:

    • Grade 11 Inventory.  These questions should be rather familiar
    • Are You Ready for Grade 11 Movie  (*watch this for sure!)
    • If much of this looks unfamiliar then you are likely on the wrong course and should be in Grade 10.
Today(s) Lessons
Useful Resources
  • Me.  End of the Day!
  • My Grade 11 Reference Notes (Cheat Sheet).  You are expected to make your own, slowly compile it for Final Exam
  • Daily Lessons in Shared Folder.  Every lesson we have done on the whiteboard board.  Also printed at front of class
  • Decent Calculator.  You likely noticed that you need a decent calculator!  The one on your phone or a Dollarama one is not sufficient.