06 Oct Grade 12 Biology

06 Oct 2022 Grade 12 Biology.  Word of the Day: Evolution

No Class on Monday; Thanksgiving.

Today’s Lesson(s)
  • Regular Weekly Thursday QuizClosed book but with ‘Cheat Sheet‘.  In-class (unless alternate prior arrangements had been made), 60 min time limit.
  • Chapter 17 ReadingsSection 17.1 – Genes and VariationRead and Do.  You know how individual organism make other organisms, you know how families inter-connect and pass on genes, now we study how entire populations have a pool of genes that are shared.
  • Mr.D Bio Teacher Chapter 17.  Mr D pretty much explains the entire Chapter to us.
  • Lesson Support Videos. A selection of videos that explain the 17.1 section.


  • Marks to office tomorrow, so get in some overdue work today!
  • No Class on Monday
  • Overall mark going to office on tomorrow for Sponsors , Funders
    • Get in assignments today!  Penalty if overly late.
    • Weekly Progress Reports issued yesterday
    • Submit Work Remotely.  In the event you get stuck at home for a short duration, you are still expected to keep up with course work.  Some helpful Tech Tips in our Webpage, and how to submit work remotely.