23 SEP GRADE 12 BIOLOGY.  Morning.  Compressed Friday.  Word of the Day: Meiosis

Today’s Lesson
  • Debrief Quiz (?) (last chance quiz for those who missed yesterday)
  • Finish Up Your Superbaby Write – Up from Yesterday
  • Section 11.4 Meiosis.  Read and do!  Very intense reading!  We will abbreviate this Section, falling behind!
  • Read ahead:  Section 11.4!  Human Genetics.  We will race through this section too on Monday
  • Issued some of the next Unit yesterday, Unit C Evolution; study guide plus first couple assignments.  Although we still need to do Genetics Chapter 14 Human Genetics quickly.

Working on your Cheat Sheet !  ?   Quizzes and Tests will soon no longer be open book.  Besides, a ‘Cheat Sheet‘ [Study Notes]  is a wonderful way to study, a quick and ready reference, and are allowed [expected !] on every quiz, test, and Final Exam!  So start to make/ revise your single sheet (two sided) ‘Cheat Sheet‘.  Study Notes (‘Cheat Sheet’) Preparation Info.

  • Anyone want to start a Cribbage League?  Do you know how to play cribbage?  We could have lunch time fun a couple days a week.
  • Quiz Every Thursday
  • All Fridays are compressed into the morning, afternoon is off for students.  Good time to book personal administration.
  • Remote Learning Protocol. Reminder; in the event the entire course or an individual student or a teacher has to isolate then the MSHSD Remote Learning Protocol will apply.