22 SEP GRADE 12 BIOLOGY.    Word of the Day. MEIOSIS

Morning Quiz Day, Fall feast at lunch.

Today’s Lesson(s)
  • WarmupEpigentics Movie.  More from yesterday.  Is an organism (you) just code, or does “nurture” (your environment and lifestyle) play a part in how you express your code?  Stop at time 4:12, I get lost after that!
  • Regular Thursday Quiz.  A 40 minute (max) QUIZ. Open Book this time, but get to work on your own ‘cheat sheet’. If you are stuck at home with a sick child let me know (by ≤~09:00), I can beam you a link or we can defer this quiz to in-class Friday.
  • Bio Lab.  Let’s have you mate your two favourite superheros and heroines together to see what their first offspring is like!  What if The Hulk and CatWoman had a child?  What would the child’s traits be like??  What adventures and battles will the new superhero experience?
  • Wordfind Assgt A-6 .  Due 23 Sep.  Good way to learn vocabulary, say it over and over.  Hopefully you know what most the words mean.  A few of them are from our next section 11.4.
  • Unit C Evolution.  I will issue much of next weeks courseware too today, the next Unit: Unit C Evolution, just in case you get stuck at home with a sick child.
  • College Fall Feast Thurs 22 Sep (Lunch and Ceremony at Noon)
  • Anyone want to start a Cribbage League?  Do you know how to play cribbage?  We could have lunch time fun a couple days a week.
  • Quiz Every Thursday
  • All Fridays are compressed into the morning, afternoon is off for students.  Good time to book personal administration.
  • Remote Learning Protocol. Reminder; in the event the entire course or an individual student or a teacher has to isolate then the MSHSD Remote Learning Protocol will apply.