03 Jun 2022 Grade 12 Applied

Last instructional Day.  Course Review on Monday & Tuesday.  Final Exam Wed 8 Jun.  Exam Policy (do not miss the exam!  Do not arrive after 10:00 am!)

Last of overdue assignments in Monday (penalty for >2 weeks late)

  • Unit D Statistics Notes pp. 16 -25
  • Need grid paper to tidy up YOUR Cheat Sheet?  YOUR  cheat sheet to be submitted with Final Exam.  Your cheat sheet may even look remarkably like my cheat sheet once you adjust it to your personal perspective
  • Weekly Progress Reports issued yesterday.
  • Ensure you have the Final Exam Practice Questions  attempted for review Monday and Tuesday.  Do not wait for teacher to do them for you!  Selected Answers and Solutions are in our shared daily Lessons Folder or here:  Exam Review Answers.