25 May Grade 12 Applied

Morning! Word of the Day: Surface Area


  • No quiz this Thursday.  However, if you want one that might elevate your  mark by ~3 to 4%, ask me by tomorrow, I can prepare a voluntary take home quiz.  Of course if you already have a good mark, another good quiz mark does not elevate your overall mark, it just locks it in further. [update:  all five students want to do a voluntary take-home quiz]
  • Only eight more instructional days, then two days review, then Final Exam Wed 8 June.  Do not miss the 8 June exam unless you make arrangements in advance.  Course Calendar.
  • Your Cheat Sheet.  Looking Good?  Yours to be submitted with Final Exam!  5% of Course Mark. Note the marking rubic:  Marking Rubric.
  • Valedictorian.  Nominate a student or yourself.  Nominations by 26th . Elections on 27 May.  Looks really good on a resumé that you were class valedictorian.  See Meghan, Student Services
  • Gowns for Grads.  See Meghan today if you are graduating and want a fancy gown for Grad!
  • PowWow.  A PowWow Saturday 28 May.
  • Warmup/Review.  Throwback! Practice Functions, Personal Finance.
  • Quiz Debrief.  Here is the Quiz Debrief Movie Week 7 from last Thursday: You will have to watch it on your own time.
  • Geometry Review (?).  Do we need a Geometry review, the back page of the Grade 11 Geometry Review has a one-page Geometry Practice Test. [Update:  the two students that I had intially we determined this was unneccesary, .. may be important for some!]
  • Work in Unit G Workbook.  pp. 10- 13 [Hopefully you have already tried several of these!  Keep working away in that]
  • Assignment G-1 Practice Problems.  Less intense Practice Problems for Design and Measurement.  Lots of Algebra Practice in these questions, I get the sense that students need more Algebra Practice.  [Update:  Turns out we need lots of help with solving using ALGEBRA]