Morning!  Quiz Day (every Thursday).  Compressed Fridays, do not forget, for tomorrow!

  • Warmup/ Review.  for 20  Mins, good practice for quiz!  Warmup Handout;   Warmup Video Solution.
  • Quiz.  A 40 minute quiz.  E-mail me before class if you are unable to make class, you can ‘solve, scan, send’ in a narrow time window.  There will be 6 or 7 regular Thursday Quizzes, do not miss many of them, they have a double weight factor relative to assignments.
  • Lesson:  Using ‘OR’,  Mutually Exclusive and non-Mutually Exclusive Events.  Notes pp.  53-59 (again!) UPDATE:  Never did get to the lesson, try again tomorrow
  • Handout Issue Permutations and Combinations Workbook.  It had not printed properly in the first handout.  It was always on-line of course. [Update: we will tidy up this portion later in the course]
  • Lunch and Pipe Ceremony at 11:45
  • Finish Notes by reading Glossary!

Tomorrow:  Work in the Perms and Combs Workbook Questions.