10 FEB GRADE 12 ESSENTIAL.  Afternoon.  13:00 YouTube Live, 15:30 Washup Google Meet.  Return to in-class instruction postponed til Mon 28 Feb. Drop by briefly, submit work, collect new courseware.  Have new unit(s) printed, ready to issue since two weeks, no student has popped by yet!?

COMPRESSED FRIDAYS.  Don’t forget tomorrow is a compressed day, class starts at 10:30.


  • Article about Credit Mills.  My broadcast broke up for a few minutes yesterday, I was talking about credit mills, grade inflation, how post-secondary colleges track schools that award inflated marks.  You may not be accepted into a program if a college knows your marks are inflated!  A related Movie: Credit Mills.
  • Worksheet C-6:  Percentile Rank and Trimmed Means.  Not Hand-in.  Lets do some together in class.
  • Here is the Quiz:  Grade 12 Quiz        Quiz to be submitted no later than 20:00 (8 PM) before access is withdrawn
  • On your own.  Continue to Work in Archived Past Exam Questions, work in Statistics Workbook, mid-Term approaching 24 Feb!.

Announcements.  As per yesterday

Suggested Resources to explore: (all on our Grade 12 Essential Website)