24 Jan Grade 12 Essential.  Welcome.  Good Afternoon, let’s get busy!  See you soon when come by and collect your courseware!

Ensure you had received my Welcome E-Mail from Sunday.  Shoot me an e-mail to reply that you got it please. It was identical to your Welcome Blog Post dated yesterday, Welcome Blog Post.  Let me know if you did not receive an-e-mail!  Ensure you read either or both of those.

Today Activities: ( I have ~2 hours and 20 minutes of work for you today!!)

  • Participate in the Live  YouTube Broadcast to which you will be invited at 13:00 [1PM] (< 40 mins).
    • [YouTube Works for everyone!  However, Only those with a g-mail or Chrome browser or YouTube Account will be able to participate in the live Text (only) Chat Window]
  • Read the Welcome e-mail and /or the Welcome Blog!  (20 mins)
  • You Read Course Outline (10 Mins)
  • You watch the Course Overview Movie (25 mins), what you are going to learn in Grade 12!
  • You inspect the Grade 12 Inventory; ( 15 Mins) see what skills you need to ‘refresh‘ to readily succeed in Grade 12.  If you prefer, here is the inventory as a movie:  Grade 12 Inventory Movie.(25 Mins). You are also provided the Grade 10 Study Notes  and Grade 11 Study Notes ( Cheat Sheets), (front sleeve of your courtesy Courseware Binder) handy single page references while on the bus or the crapper, entire Math Courses on one Sheet of paper.
  • You Check out our first Unit of Study!
    • Check out (survey, inspect) the webpage for Unit B – Vehicle Purchase,  (10 Mins)
    • Inspect (survey, flip through) the entire set of Unit B Notes, to see what it contains (3 Mins)
      • ANYTIME you are given some courseware you should inspect it, see what it contains!  (‘kick the tires’ so to speak)
    • Now!  Read and Do pages 1-5 in the Unit B Notes so we can cover them in tomorrow’s lessons.  (30 mins)

There that should get you well started on the Grade 12 Course.  You have 2.5 hours of stuff to do (mostly movies!)

Same routine tomorrow basically.  Read Blog, Join YouTube live broadcast, do work…., pop by the school weekly ,…..  Fun!

Announcements , Administration