30 Oct Grade 10 Essential Math

Post Time:  30 Oct 12:30

Check-in by e-mail at start of class. Instructor may even initiate a chat / video chat on Google Meet.

Today’s Plan.  Trigonometry Puzzle?  Some throwback Unit G Transformation practice.  Make sure you have the Exam Practice Questions issued on Wednesday.

CHANGE IN PLAN.  Owing to the anticipated announcement of an elevated COVID alert I have elected to:

  • EXEMPT  anyone with a 70% or more from writing the exam.  Your mark  will be the current one today effective 30 Oct today if you already have 70% or more.
  • NOT EXEMPT those students with less than 70%, those students with less than 70% must still write the Grade 10 Essential Math  Exam. I have handed out the Grade 10 Essential Math  Exam as a take home exam this morning to those students who must still write it.  The Take Home exam is due in my hands, no later than Noon Thursday 5 Nov! By hand, by fax, by drop off, …. Could be earlier too!  Here is the Grade 10 Essential Math Exam.

I will send an e-mail to each student their mark and whether they have to write the exam and a link to the exam.  Those writing the exam must have it to me by hand, drop off, fax, what ever, NO LATER than Thursday 5 Nov.

Course Review.  Have you ever checked out the Course Introduction and General Support that covers the entire course?  Tons of review resources and videos there too!  Gr10 Essential Review.


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