9 Apr Math Blog

Well set to start now. Many folks have the printed materiel as they requested, several are exclusively on-line Web Based Learning.

Notice to YC Students.  A letter from Director regarding Learning During COVID-19.

Maintain a close watch on this Daily Math Blog.

Check out my daily lessons shared folder as we have done together for six months..

Get very familiar with the entire website,especially the Introductory and Support Materiel, and Units A and B to start.

And if you really do not have your times tables down even yet, that would be an easy project to accomplish now with all your slack time.  Check out the Prior Studies page to review the Middle School Stuff like that and fractions.

Those who have completed the Grade 11 Essential and the Grade 12 Applied course will find that we already did almost identically the same lessons and worksheets  in those courses!!
