23 May Grade 12 Essential

23 May 2024 Grade 12 Essential.  Word of the day: Polygons  (select which kind you want!)


  • WARNING!  No Class this Friday (tomorrow) Again!  TV Crew filming!  Further,…today’s Thursday classes will be compressed into the AM.  So the AM class til 10:15, the PM class 10:30 to 12:00.
  • Quiz.  The Regular Weekly Quiz is take-home and was issued yesterday;  due Monday 10:00.  Late Penalty applies.  OMG, Another quiz with 4 days to do 60 minutes of work and get extra marks!  What could possibly go wrong?
  • Progress reports were isued yesterday.  Hopefully students have done the statistical calculation, if their present mark is 40% or less they will need 80% or more on the final exam. Or at least 70% on the final with a perfect cheat sheetDo the math!  A bunch of really late assignments will not help hardly any!
  • Valedictorian Selection!  Details: Valedictorian Selection.  Nominee presentations Wednesday May 29, 2024 at 12:00 pm.


Useful Resources:

  • Desmos Geometry.  Fun.  Easy to figure out (?), draw polygons, measure angles, lots of fun!
    • Some Math Students prefer this App instead:  Geogebra
  • Entire Unit G Video Playlist.  A massive selection of Unit G videos in one playlist.  I tend to select them in individual smaller packages in daily blogs.
  • Study Notes Preparation.  Students are expected to have their own for the Final Exam. Up to an extra 5% possible. Adapt the teacher Study Notes (Cheat Sheet).  Grid paper is available to make it neater.
  • Daily Lessons Shared Folder. Every Daily Lesson we have done on the Interactive Whiteboard.  Also printed out at front of the class.
  • Quiz Solutions Video Debriefs Playlist.  Every Quiz and Test Solution in a Movie Playlist, pretty much the entire course to date.
  • Archived Provincial ExamsDo not Miss! 10 years worth of past exams (20 exams) with full solutions.