02 Apr 2024 Grade 12 Essentials Math

02 Apr 2024 Grade 12 Essentials Math.  (Day 1).  Word of the day: Percent

Announcements:  Grad Photos Thurs, 4 April .  Sign up at reception.  $15 for sitting!

Welcome.  My Name is Rick or Mr.F  Here is me teaching my very first Math Class many years ago.

Course Inventory. (‘Taking stock’ of what we know)  Those students who had not recently or confidently completed the pre-requisite courses of Grade 10 and Grade 11 will want to attempt the Grade 12 Course Inventory to explore some of the skills they will need to refresh to be readily successful in Grade 12 Essential.  Here is the PDF Course Inventory Handout;  here is a movie version:  Course Inventory Movie

Calculator.  Hunt around for a decent calculator!  A $3 one from Dollarama is not sufficient.  Lots available to download to you phone. But a $12 – $15 hand-held Scientific Calculator from Walmart is ideal.   Here is just one example of agood one that I saw at Walmart this week on sale $13 vice original $18.  Here is a Movie about a decent Scientific Calculator.  Movie: Decent Calculator.

Today Activities: ( I have ~2 hours and 20 minutes of work for you today!!)

Useful Resources