09 Feb Grade 11 Essential

09 Feb 2024 Grade 11 Essential. Word of the Day: Metric Volume


  • Compressed Friday [every Friday]
  • Issue Progress reports
  • Grad Photos.  Tuesday 13 Sep, sign-up in reception.  $15 sitting.
  • TRC Scholarship.  Get $500
Today’s Activity
  • Weekly Quiz.  Last Chance for Regular Weekly Thursday Quiz if missed it yesterday.  Do not miss too many!  Students still not showing work.  Mean mark for class was 75%,  Plus lots of bonus marks were available to ‘skew’ and ‘bias’ the statistics.
  • Quiz DebriefQuiz Debrief PDF Handout [Updated];   Quiz Debrief Movie [Updated]
  • Today’s Lesson:
  • Volume of Cylinders Notes: pg. 16
  • Reading Ahead!  Volume of Pyramids and Cones
  • Keep working in issued Geometry Workbook if necessary.  [not hand-in]
  • Ensure to review the Glossary at the end of the Geometry Notes.
Selected Useful Resources