26 Sep Grade 10 Essentials Math

26 Sep 2023 Grade 10 Essentials Math.  Word of the day: Imperial System of Units


  • Mid Term  Marks to Office on Friday 6 Oct .  Overdue Math Assignments in by Tues 3 Oct.  Penalty for assignments overdue by >2 Weeks

Today Lesson(s)

Selected Useful Resources

  • NEWQuiz Debrief Videos Playlist.  A single Playlist for Weekly Quiz Debriefs.  Debriefs will be added each week.  Pause them, do them, rewind them. Mute sound and figure out what is being done.
  • Daily Lesson Shared Files.  Everything we have done since day 1.
  • Unit Converter.  Convert any measure to any other measure.
  • Conversion Tables.  The Yellow Tables that were issued.  Pretty much every conversion you will ever use.  Note the examples of conversions on the back page!!
  • Math Antics.  A wonderful set of videos for refreshing Elementary and Middle School studies.