31 May 2024 Grade 12 Essentials Math

31 May 2024 Grade 12 Essentials Math.  Word of the day: Triangles


  • Last of overdue Math assignments by 15:30 Monday.
  • Grad Media.  Baby pic for grad media.  Grads requested, if desired, to provide a baby photo and grad photo for our private Graduation Media.
  • Graduation.  Grad is at the Victoria Inn, Thursday 20 June.  Be there NO LATER than 12:00 Noon to get dressed in cap and gown.  Here is a link for complete information. : Grad Day Info for Students.


  • Quiz.  Last chance for Regular Thursday Quiz.  150% possible.  Three students wrote yesterday, teacher was expecting an easy average of 150%, it was only 79%.
    • Quiz Debrief Solutions Handout [ Pending].  Quiz had remarkable resemblance to last quiz, lol.
    • Quiz Debrief Soultions  Movie [Pending, watch in Weekend weekly rreveiew e-mail]
  • Unit D Precision Measure.  Quick Demo of the lessons we cancelled in Unit D Precision Measurement
  • Review student efforts in Unit G Geometry and Trigonometry Workbook.   pp. 8 – 12.
  • Students to ensure they have the Grade 12 Essential Final Exam Practice Questions.  Try a few for the course review on Monday and Tuesday classes, waiting for teacher to show the methods is not very good review.
Useful Resources
  • Teacher after 15:30, or Friday PMs (not this Friday PM 31st though, Squadron reunion)
  • Study Notes Preparation.  Students are expected to have their own for the Final Exam. Up to an extra 5% possible. Adapt the teacher Study Notes (Cheat Sheet).  Grid paper is available to make it neater with nice tidy writing.
  • Daily Lessons Shared Folder. Every Daily Lesson we have done on the Interactive Whiteboard.  Also printed out at front of the class.
  • Quiz Solutions Video Debriefs Playlist.  Every Quiz and Test Solution in a Movie Playlist, pretty much the entire course to date in 7 or 8 videos!
  • Archived Provincial ExamsDo not Miss! 10 years worth of past exams (20 exams) with full solutions.