09 May 2024 Grade 12 Essentials

09 May 2024 Grade 12 Essentials.  Word of the day:  SOH CAH TOA


  • NO CLASSES FOR MSHSD MONDAY – Film crew doing a TV program Monday- ACTING GOOD
  • NO QUIZ TODAY (Next week though!)
  • Progress reports available yesterday for those who collected them
  • Get those Study Notes (Cheat Sheets) going on another revision.  Up to an extra 5% on final course mark!  Preparation and Marking Rubric


  • Assgt F-2 House Finance Review.   Due:  in class  [Omit pages 9 to 11, Q’s 13 & 14]
  • Mid-Term was debriefed yesterday.  See Yesterday blog for details, solutions.  Two students had overall mark go up by 4%, two dropped by 4%, and the remainder no change in overall mark +/- 1%.  Funny how those with a low overall mark do not do well on tests.
    • House Finance Project.  There is an extra PROJECT available for those who are desperate for an extra 3 or 4% (max) on final course mark.  Ask no later than next Wed.   It will have to be done well of course and in timely manner.  If presently below 50% and only give a 50% effort that will not help much!
    • Extra Probability Project.  Teacher happens to have another project as well for extra marks, for probability.  Ask no later than Next Wed.
  • Introduce New Unit: Unit G Geometry and Trigonometry.

Useful Resources: See previous blogs