28 Feb Grade 11 Essentials Math

28 Feb 2024 Grade 11 Essentials Math.  Word of the day: Complementary Angles


Pink Shirt Day today.  Anti-Bullying!  Lunch provided

Test Tomorrow.  A Test is a Quiz but worth more marks; not longer not more difficult.  Fewer Bonus though!

Final Exam Wed 20 March.  Mark it on your calendar.  Do not miss! Read: Final Exam Policy.

Today’s Lesson(s)

  • Test Prep / Warmup
  • Review Euclidian Rules for Angles and Triangles
  • Assignment G-2 Angle Puzzles.
    • Lesson Support Videos: Angles
  • READ AHEAD : Unit G Trigonometry Notes – Similar Triangles.
  • Read Ahead Unit G Trig Notes pp. 9 – 11 Trigonomteric Ratios (SOH CAH TOA)