12 Jan Grade 11 Essential

12 JAN 2024 GRADE 11 ESSENTIAL.  Word of the day: Significant Digits.

  • Classes Remaining. Only 2.5 classes left!  Today’s half class and two of review next week.  Final Exam Wed Jan 17
  • Final Exam Policy.  Do not miss it, one sitting only,  Wed 17 Jan 09:00.  Final Exam policy details: Final Exam Policy.
  • Students’ Study Notes [‘Cheat Sheet’] should likely be in final revison now.  5% of course mark, submitted with Final Exam.  Model after the teacher version perhaps.  Study Notes Preparation Instructions.
  • Last of Assignments in by Monday 15 Jan!  Penalty for those due before December.
Today’s Lesson(s)
Selected Useful Resources