09 May Grade 12 Essentials Math

09 May 2023 Grade 12 Essentials Math.  Word of the Day:  Polygons


  • Teachers at Conference Wed, Thurs, Friday.  No classes.  Still expected to do some self-directed learning while teachers are at conference later this week. Teacher will still publish a daily blog!!  Sufficient worksheets are issued.
  • Issued progress reports again so students can catch up in the three days teachers are away.
  • Regular Weekly Thursday Quiz will be on-line this week during regular class time.
Todays’ Lesson(s)

Useful Resources.

  • See previous blogs for ample suggested current  resourcers.  Blog has search feature at bottom.
  • Triangle Calculator.  Just type in three values and the App solves the entire triangle for you!  Good way to check your work?
  • Doing Homework without a printed Copy.  Easy.  Check Video: Doing Work without a Hard Copy.  In the old days we did not have printers and photocopiers.  We copied the question off the board [screen] and did it on paper.