07 Nov Grade 10 Essential

Welcome to Grade 10 Essential

Vaccination Clinic Wed 9 Nov

My name is Rick; here is me teaching my very first Math Class many years ago [NOT]!

Here is our Course Outline; how we will run the course.

Here is a Course Overview Movie: What we will learn. (35 mins at regular speed!)

Here is our Grade 10 Essentials Webpage. (bookmark it in favourites!) Check the Daily Blog daily.

Our first Unit of Study is Unit B: Personal Finance, how pay works.

Calculator.  Hunt around for a decent calculator!  A $3 one from Dollarama is not sufficient.  Lots available to download to you phone. But a $12 – $15 hand-held Scientific Calculator from Walmart is ideal.   Here is a Movie about a decent Scientific Calculator.  Movie: Decent Calculator.